



注意: Links in our lists will open in a new window 和 go to 超速, a collection of e-books 和 有声读物s made available to the CMU community  Mesa County Public Libraries cardholders. Find a title you're interested in? 使用免费的Libby应用程序 读或听. (不知道怎么做? See the information below!)

Want a PDF version of the book lists below? 给你!

想要更多的? 看到很多 more 黑人历史月 reading suggestions 你可以访问 免费的 通过超速! (Link will open in a new window.)



If you want to read any of these titles as ebooks, or listen to them as audio books, follow these steps to use your MavCard:


1. 下载Libby应用程序

2. "Do you have a library card?" --> Yes!

3. "搜索 for library" by zipcode

4. "Marmot Library Network"

5. “用我的卡片签到”

6. “pp电子极速糖果rsity”

7. 使用您的MavZone登录.

8. 享受!


Don't have a CMU MavCard to access Libby? 


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